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COVID 19 a new era! But we can face it!

new camping regulation changes!



Welcome to Ouranoupoli Camping & Bungalows

Dear visitor,

 We have to thank all of you, our unique guests for choosing our hospitality to relax and enjoy your vacation. We are determined to offer you a beautiful, tidy, stylish, and safe environment. In these unprecedented conditions that COVID 19 has led us to live, we assure you that we have done and we continue to apply all the new health safety measures in our resort based on the health protocols issued by the Greek Government and health authorities.

We try every day to ensure that our shelters and facilities are the safest possible environment for your holidays. New cleaning protocols, new antibacterial cleaning equipment with cold foaming certified machines, and longer "windows" between the stays are offering a better in-depth cleaning of the accommodations and a healthy, clean shelter.

We continuously train our staff to all the new standards and health measures, we prepared our facilities with extra antiseptic stations, we reduced the capacity of all the public facilities and we continue to adapt all the new health protocols.

Our staff is very important for us, so we manage to offer to our people all the personal protection measures, reduce the risk, and increase the level of prevention during their job! 


So, feel safe, practice social distancing, and enjoy the holidays!

Operating Protocol under Covid-19


Dear visitor,

We must all contribute to this effort, each doing his part of his responsibilities and obligations within the framework of individual responsibility and collective good. Observance of personal hygiene and social distances, respect and full implementation of the instructions of this document, and the camping regulations, protection of the big effort of the camping staff to keep this place safe, clean, unique as it always has been, should be our common guidelines.




The cleaning and disinfection program as well as all the products that will be used have the specifications and the certificates of EOF and the Directives of EODY. There will be meticulous cleaning and very good ventilation of the accommodation during the hours between the stays. Also, special attention will be paid to "high risk" items which will be thoroughly disinfected. The cleaning staff will use the necessary equipment when entering each accommodation and will avoid frequent cleaning of the accommodation during your stay. Also, based on the protocols, the frequent change of bathroom and room clothing will be abolished, only at your request or after agreement with the reception.


We would like to inform you that this year Camping will operate at a reduced capacity. Non-residents will not be allowed to enter, pass, stay, or use Camping facilities. Also, sanitary facilities, such as shared showers and toilets, will be cleaned and disinfected in accordance with health protocols, so often that they are kept clean and in good condition.




The distances from the umbrellas and sun-beds on the beach will be organized according to the proposed specifications. Each sun-bed will be disinfected after each use.

The staff will be trained, and will fully implement all the specifications of the health protocols. The health protocols for restaurants will be applied, and specifically, all the menus will be a la carte and all the lists will be disinfected with special antiseptics before each use. The kitchen and service staff will use the necessary equipment. All the prescribed distances between tables and chairs will be observed. The tables will be covered with disposable one-use "sous plat" and the cutlery will be on the table, which will be replaced with increased frequency. Finally, in all public areas, there will be approved antiseptics gels. Do not forget that the social distance of 1.5 meters must be observed in all areas between people who do not belong to the same family or company! With the publication of the Greek Health Protocol (Government Gazette-2084 -B-KYA-1881) of the operation of hotels and organized tourist camps (Camping), the management and staff of OURANOUPOLI CAMPING & BUNGALOWS will offer you the maximum possible protection.



General Entering


Passing through, staying at the campsite, or using the camping facilities, is not permitted to people who are not registered as guests at our reception. Non-guests may use the adjacent beach without passing through the campsite. Any people visiting our guests staying at our campsite are not allowed to do so!

The campsite’s management is responsible for keeping a record of all persons who are staying or have stayed at the campsite, including their name, nationality, dates of arrival and departure, contact information (address, phone number, email address), in every camping accommodation or bungalow, whether it belongs to the guests, the business, or tour operators.


The campsite’s beach shall operate according to the Greek State’s rules about the operation of beaches in regard to Covid-19 prevention measures.


We recommend preferably making phone arrangements regarding placing orders, purchasing goods and services or equipment, etc. Any failure to comply with the rules and guidelines must be reported to the campsite’s officer in charge of Covid-19 prevention.



Prevention of Staff briefing – training


The campsite’s staff, depending on their duties, are briefed and trained in the following: use of personal protective measures, implementing personal hygiene and social distancing measures, the plan for handling suspected Covid-19 cases, as well as the campsite’s all other regulations regarding Covid-19 prevention.


Prevention Measures


At the responsibility of the campsite’s management, guests will be provided (information and guidelines have been set up at all the hygiene spots and facilities of the camping) with information and all the necessary hygiene equipment as soap, antiseptic gels, instructions at all the public facilities.

We propose and demand all the guests to follow the instructions given below.

● Handwashing techniques (frequent handwashing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds!            Using gloves is not a substitute for proper hand hygiene).

● After which activities should hands be washed?  Hands must be washed after every contact with another person or with any kind of their personal belongings, after touching objects that are touched by other persons such as handrails, handles, etc, before putting on a face mask, before and after using the toilet, before eating, before touching the face, etc.

● In which instances it is recommended to use an antiseptic solution rather than hand washing? If hands are not visibly dirty, an alcoholic solution may be used instead).

● Avoid touching the mouth, nose, or eyes without clearing your hands first.

● Avoid close contact with sick people, especially people who are coughing or sneezing.

● Manage properly your wastes and use carefully your personal protective equipment (masks and gloves). The use of a facemask is recommended for staff, guests, and any other persons entering indoor campsite facilities. There will be antiseptic stations inside all indoor campsite facilities.

● Big gatherings at the camping spots, or the rental accommodation facilities (bungalows, caravans, and their balconies are strongly prohibited. Only people of the same family staying at the same accommodation can stay together.

● Follow carefully the public maximum capacity guidelines provided at all the facilities. The capacities are smaller than normal due to the corona social distancing measures.


Important! It is strongly advised to wear your face mask at all the public indoor facilities.

Cover the mouth and nose with a tissue when sneezing or coughing!  Dispose of the tissue in a plastic bag and clean your hands with an antiseptic solution.

The social distancing of 1.5 meters (5 feet) must be observed in all indoor facilities between people who are not part of the same family or are not staying in the same camping accommodation. In all the campsite’s indoor communal facilities, social distancing must be implemented using special signage and controlled entry and exit, to ensure a minimum distance of 1.5 meters (5 feet) between people using the facility concurrently, who must also wear facemasks.

Camping accommodation pitches

The distance between all forms of camping accommodation (trailers, campers, tents, etc.) must be at least 5 meters (16.5 feet) from the entrance of the neighboring camping accommodation and 3 meters (10 feet) from the other sides of it. The social distancing of 1.5 meters (5 feet) between people who are not part of the same family or are not staying in the same camping accommodation or bungalow must also be observed in all areas.



Sanitary facilities

Sanitary facilities (toilets, showers, hand washing facilities, dishwashing sinks) shall be kept clean and in good condition according to current Health and Hygiene Provisions. They will be cleaned and sanitized according to the posted, updated schedule, using a 0.1% chlorine solution, and must be properly ventilated during use.

The campsite’s management shall arrange for trash containers to be installed in various accessible points in indoor and outdoor communal areas. Sinks will be continuously supplied with soap, antiseptic gel, and foot-operated trash containers.

Keeping a specific, written sanitation schedule will ensure that proper health and hygiene conditions are maintained across all facilities throughout the day. It is critical for all of us to maintain this healthy environment as healthy as possible! Guests must take good care of their waste and try to keep the place tidy and in order. It is the home of all of us during the holidays and we must behave as carefully as at our homes and even more!

Restaurants, shops, and other facilities shall operate according to the rules of the Greek State.



Plan for dealing with suspected cases of Covid-19

The campsite will have a written plan for dealing with suspected cases of Covid-19, which will describe:

a) The symptoms that characterize suspected cases of Covid-19 infection (sudden onset with at least one of the following: cough, fever, shortness of breath).

b) How we manage it. The first step is to inform the COVID 19 responsible person of the camping. After this, you will receive guidelines to call number 1135 to report the incident and get guidance on how to handle it.

c) How to temporarily isolate the affected person, (until they can be safely transported for medical diagnosis) at their camping accommodation (if they are staying in a trailer or camper) or in the proper room with natural ventilation if they are staying in a tent. The use of a facemask by the symptomatic person is obliged, plus tissues, a plastic bag for their disposal, and hand antiseptic solution (at least 70% alcohol).

d) Use of a surgical mask, protective goggles, waterproof long-sleeved scrubs, and gloves by anyone entering the temporary isolation area (used personal protective equipment shall be disposed of in a plastic bag and shall not be reused under any circumstances. After disposing of used personal protective equipment, hands must be washed carefully with soap and water).

e) Ventilation of the temporary isolation area, cleaning, and sanitizing of surfaces and objects after the patient has been transferred is done by using a 0.1% chlorine solution or a 70% alcohol solution with the 10-minute contact time, or another disinfectant with proven anti-virus activity.

f) Report to the competent health authorities all the patient’s contacts, starting two days before the symptoms first appeared.

g) Contact information for the Greek Emergency Medical Service (EKAB), contact information for the healthcare facility where the suspected case must be transported, contact information for the competent health authority for the campsite. For the implementation of the campsite’s written plan and health-related operating protocol in regard to preventing the spread of Covid-19 among the guests and staff, a competent officer is appointed whose full information is listed in the written plan. Suspected cases and measures implemented are recorded in the campsite’s Covid-19 incidents book that is kept at the responsibility of the competent officer.

Important!!!  Any symptom of COVID 19 as it is described in the paragraph above must be immediately reported at the person responsible for COVID 19 management! The guest is obliged to follow the exact guidelines that will be provided to him by the COVID 19 responsible staff of the camping!

It is our obligation as members of the Camping society to respect and protect first the people around us and second the facilities of the camping. Social distancing, following the camping rules, respecting the operation rules are basic to ensure that all of our unique guests will enjoy their precious holiday time and will be back at their homes safe and full of nice memories!



We, the camping team, are going to do our best in order to ensure that we will offer to you all the safest possible environment to relax and enjoy your holidays!





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