start a wonderful journey at the area's special places & activities.
# amazing island complex
distance: 5' by boat (4km)
Explore this unique complex of 5 islands with the amazing sandy beaches and the crystal-clear waters.
Visitors that have already been there named this place "the paradise".
You can visit them with your own boat. Camping offers all the imfostructure for this, private boat ramp, our own small hourbour, docking spots and boat-washing spot.

sandy beaches, unique landscape, amazing snorkeling spot.

"I only need sand on my body and salt on my hair!"

you can visit us with your own boat and explore this magic place.

sandy beaches, unique landscape, amazing snorkeling spot.
'kayaking, boat trips, diving, water sports,
and so much more.'

Everything here is happening by the old way.

Image from the ferryboat approaching Dochiariou Monastery.

# Splendid Mount athos
Mount Athos is one of the most important centres of the Orthodox Christian world, consisting of 20 monasteries and approximately 2,000 monks. Located on Athos peninsula (our camping is situated 4 km from their borders), it is home to the oldest surviving monastic community on Earth. The way of life for the monks is practically unchanged since the first monks arrived in the ninth century. Most of the monks live within the walls of their chosen monastery, but others choose to live in complete isolation, away from any distractions.
This is because the Virgin Mary is said to have visited the peninsula and prayed to have it as her own. It is believed that the presence of women might distract the monks, tempting them away from true celibacy and lead them to sin.
Monastic life is a sample of life which finds the origin back in time and continues the same way until today...
The hole area is ideal for trekking and nature lovers. It offers some of the most beautiful forests in Greece. Also it is the only place on earth that offers 20 original and continuesly habited medival castles which you can visit and stay.
You can experience few days by the old-tyle way of life. This is possible only after communication with the Pilgrim Bureau in Thessaloniki (tel. (++30) 2310 833 733) or Ouranoupolis, Chalkidiki (tel. (++30) 23770 71 423) in order to obtain the Diamoneterion (visitation permit) which is valid for four calendar days.
Another way to admire this amazing place is by daily cruise trips start just 1.5 km from us or to organise some private tou around the peninsula.
Do not wait and grab the chance!

An amazing place of breathtaking nature...

# explore our unique nature
Halkidiki is not just the sea and its golden
sandy beaches. Just next to the beach you can find samples of pure mountain forests and wild life.
Protected by the NATURA European
program 95.000 acres of pure forests
await you.
Mapped biking & hiking routes, walking
paths, unique sightseeing spots, visitable waterfalls and much more just within an hour
from us! You can access the starting points by bus in front of our camping or you can drive directly there.
Because eastern side of Halkidiki and especially our suroundings offer som of the most beautiful and unique natural terrains in Greece.
# Ready for fun
kayaking, sailing, diving
distance: 5' by boat (4km)
Experienced kayakers described our sea as a perfect kayaking spot. This comes from the combination of calm waters and an amazing seashore with isolated beaches, big and small islands, rocky shores and unique landscapes.
Take advantage of this and spent some time on the open waters.
Water sports, ski, yachting, fishing, snorkeling and so many more are waiting to make your moments beautiful.
Renting a boat is also an option. Become the captain of your own boat
and explore the magnificent beaches and crystal-clear waters of the area.

the calm waters of our sea gulf will offer you unique and safe kayaking moments.

# walking through the history
distance 1.5-6km
Starting from the camping you can have one of the most interesting walks ever.
Walk for 1.5 km until the village of Ouranoupoli following the seaside road with the magic views of the islands opposite.
Spent some time to visit the unique Byzantine Tower of the village which is an open museum. Do not forget to admire the breathtaking view of the highest balcony at 30 m!
Following the agriculture road to "Zygou Monastery" you will meet some of the most beautiful beaches and landscapes of the area. Visit the byzantine bridge and the hidden sightseeing spots and enjoy the pure nature.
At the end of the trail the ruins of a
medival castle are standing just 10m from Mount Athos borders. A unique sample of middle age architecture and a very important religion spot.